Call: 027 448 6185
In order to ensure the optimal use of the Ha-Ra® cleaning system Hans Raab decided to market Ha-Ra® products through the 'seeing is believing' approach - group demonstration or one-on-one situation.
This allows for the Ha-Ra® consultant to provide the correct cleaning system for the job on an individual or group basis, whether it be in your home or business environment.
For further information on locations of Ha-Ra® consultants, please contact Ha-Ra® New Zealand.
Why don't you attend a Ha-Ra® demonstration or book one for yourself?
You will be pleasantly surprised!
Be assured that we won't pressure you into buying!
Host a Ha-Ra® party!
Doing that, you can select your Ha-Ra® products yourself as your reward
(according to our host-gift regulations).
121 Boons Valley Road
Picton 7220
027 448 6185
© 2015 - 2025 Ha-Ra New Zealand